
Thursday, April 26, 2012

hello,assalam:-) what are you doing right now?!i hope it would be,i am very surprised when i read this.
from JERRY: :-)
 thank you so much , i am very happy when I read this..hello JERRY:-)i hope you would read my entry..
note to JERRY :hello,thank you for reading my entry..i really appreciate and happy when you left chat  to me..i also glad if i can visit your blog to..i hope you would give me your feedback as fast as you could..i hope you can follow me..thank you jerry :-)

i also take this:

indeed there are a lot of nice talk but it not visible yet in my chat box..sorry about it..but i really happy for the advice,talk,suggestion and etc.. i love you <3

to secret admire,maria,henry also jerry :thank you for visiting me..i hope you would visit me again..

when i right my entry i feel more better and i feel it when got people read my entry. i also want to improve my english with keep my entry..see u soon..take care and have a nice day..

Saturday, April 21, 2012

somethings about life

dear readers,

hello,assalam :-) what are doings?! a long time i didn't update my entry and now i take my time to write,let's talk about u know right now i'm waiting for continues my's it feel terrible..quiet difficult to choose course that match with our results also i confuse which want i want to be..ok just forget about it, now back to our agenda ..yah,LIFE..hmmm,during the journey of my life ,i feel i learned something that we cannot get it in my age ,that my opinion but i don't know how about you..hmmm,if you waiting for something like study or practical let's do part time would get something about life and it would make you really appreciate life,time and etc..i'm not lie that's true..

indeed,we must find the soundness of our future..learn how high you can ,get the higher dream and kept me we need a lot of money to survive our family and also ourselves.hmmmm..2nd we must trust fate and livelihood ..if we try harder if ALLAH not permit you also cannot get it..but you must try harder and inshahALLAH,ALLAH will show the way :-) find the good mate and sincere to you also work hard to find the money..hmmm,right now all about  MONEY..

when your age grew up you would get a lot of experience and it would make you better..:-)xoxo..

Sunday, April 8, 2012

let's apply for the scholarship

hello,assalam^^ entry for today..scholarship!!!!!!!let's see the link..let's try it..
list of scholarship, selamat mencuba~~

Sime Darby:
yysan pljrn mara:

2) Biasiswa Tunku Abdul Rahman
3) Felda Johore Bulker Sdn Bhd
4) Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam ( JPA )
5) Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri Sabah
6) Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri Sarawak
7) Biasiswa Kerajaan Negeri Sabah
8 ) Majlis Agama Islam Dan Adat Melayu Perak Darul Ridzuan
9) Pinjaman Pelajaran Kerajaan Negeri Perak @
10) Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor
11) Pinjaman Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang
12) Pinjaman Pelajaran kerajaan Negeri Selangor
13) Tabung Amanah Pendidikan Negeri Melaka (TAPEN )
14) Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia
15) Gamuda Berhad
16) Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Wilayah Persekutuan
17) Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja
18) Lembaga Zakat Selangor
19) Bank Rakyat Malaysia Berhad @
20) Majlis Amanah Rakyat
21) Pusat Zakat Sabah
22) Yayasan Negeri Sembilan
23) Skim Biasiswa National Science F
24) Kementerian Sains, Teknologi Dan Inovasi Malaysia
25) Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial (PERKESO )
26) Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB)
27) Sarawak Shell Berhad
28) Sapura Industrial Berhad
29) Terengganu Advanced Technical Institute
31) Yayasan Felcra
32) Yayasan Pahang
33) Yayasan Sabah
34) Yayasan Selangor
35) Yayasan Tenaga Nasional Berhad
36) Yayasan Kelantan Darulnaim (YAKIN )
37) Yayasan Terengganu
38) Yayasan Pelajaran Johor (YPJ )
39) Yayasan Biasiswa Sarawak Tunku Abdul Rahman

indeed,this scholarship my ex teacher want me to apply,just isi je,if ada rezeki,inshahALLAH..
and i advise you to apply this..i just apply all this..owh ya,maybe after you open this link you would dizzy for awhile because it visible fiber ..just click and find it..test for MUET also can apply because it was open right now..

xoxo..see u soon:-)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

awesome baby

morning...pepps.. how's life?!..i'm awake from sad day already..huhu..after one problems came and right now came again...alhamdulillah i already choose my course and i hope it is better for me :D
huhu..welcome new stage for my life..besar already..there are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept ,things we don't want to know but have to learn ,and people we can't live without but have to let go..yah,i trust it,when ALLAH tests you it is never intended to destroy you .when it remove something in your possession ,it is only in order to empty your hands for an even greater gift..*NOTE THAT*

Thursday, March 22, 2012

note for my mom and dad

i hope my parents read this..
dear ibu and ayah..1st of all ati want to apologize to both of you..ati was try harder and harder and that's results i can get it..ati also disappointed to myself , i know the more disappointed is my dad.."ayah macam nak nangis,tpi ayah tahan sebab ayah tengok saya dah menangis" dad says ati ......blik je lah..person only knows my problems is kartika,mira,ejan ,eda and cg ridzuan..
ayah mesti mnyesal dpt ank mcm saya...ayah mesti tengok anak orang lain dpt straight A,tpi ank dia kecewakan dy..ayah ati x mampu lagi nk senyum macam dulu..ati x mampu lagii..ati minta maaf..tapi ati akan cuba buat yang terbaik..terima kasih sebab dah lahirkan ati,walaupun ayah kecewa..ayah..dengarlah ati bersyukur dapat parents macam ayah..ayah terima kasih sbb dah jaga ati even ati dah kecewa kan ayah 3x upsr,pmr,spm..ayah..ati nak bangun ayah..ati nak pimpin balik diri ati..ati akan buat sebaik mungkin..
lastly thx u bnyk-2 untuk adila..dulu aq ada history dgn dy..tpy skrng aq dah buang 2 x nak kenang lagi benda nak kta rapat mcm janji dila aq akan kenang ni smpai bila-2..bila aq dah brjaya kwn-2 yg ptama aq akan bgtahu adalah ko,kart,misah,mira,tisya n yg ada bsama syg korang..syg sngat..

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

all about PAHANG!!! part 1

A long time I do not update my blog,i know you will miss with my entry right?! uhuk-2,perasan pulax sekejap. okay back to my agenda today I would share about my holiday in PAHANG . We spend 3 days and 2 night . A lot of funny story I had done it well. hahaha.Swear , i would not forget it easily.This happen when my aunt call me. a little bit our conversation..

aunt: "ati..nak ikut x pg PAHANG?!"
me:"Nak buat apa pg sana?!"
aunt:"Kak In ada wat keje kahwin yg ini pihak lelaki punya"
me:"owh k,no problems".
a little bit about our conversation...

After that , I asking permission from my dad. then he allowed me.This is 2nd opportunity to me visit PAHANG a.k.a my country.aku jadi budak kecik kejap macam dapat gula-2 and i being excited beyond words..Then i arrange my clothes and pick all things that i need.all things i brings until my beg full with not important things ==',i always like that..jalan jauh katakan..okay,i want mention you something . my family always late means my aunty,uncle,grandmother and etc..Don't asking me why. Because I also don't know

why and i don't have the answer for that question :-(..uhuk-2..gossip for awhile..^^.The bad things when my uncle triple late from my aunty=='..hahaha..our planning depart from 3:00 p.m and finally we depart at 8:00 o'clock..huhu..Our planning always to be in conflict.where the commitment?! uhuk-2.. I become DR.SITI NURBAYAH pulax.. hahaha..

Then,at 8:00 o'clock we depart from highway.Swear,it's terrify..jalan gelap je and i spend my time to FB and TWITTER..layan geng krokkrekkrokkrek..uhuk-2..Suddenly,I fell asleep for awhile..Guess what,at blind night we lost our way and my aunt open her GPS.My 2nd aunt says just drive .. jalan punya jalan masuk pulax old buildings ..malam-2 buta niii..OMG ,aku dah start selawat +- and i was close my eyes.. Finally we made it,fuhhhh..feel relieved,we arrive border of ROMPIN and a few minutes we arrive pekan,PAHANG..ok listen,my aunty was started her tourist guard ..hahaha..Layankan jelah..PAHANG visible like I-CITY because a lot of nice lamp..Feel jealous because JB visible not like that but it's okay JB is up to date right now .. we have JPO,DANGA and soon we have LEGOLAND..yeah,baby..xoxo..

Next our chores are must check in to our homestay .. Firstly I would not excited because visible like village then nah ambik ko like modern one..hahaha,eventhough a little bit hard to enter because the gate is too small just fixed for 1 car only..When we enter the homestay ..triple WOW.. It's so nice because have astro,beyond pulax 2..hahaha..rumah aku pun x berbeyond taw.. let's take a look please..uhuk-2..

I wastake 1st room a little bit spacious have air cond.. huhu..triple power of 2..toilet in front in my eyes..After we taking our luggage we went for dinner..dinner at 1:00 o'clock..okay ,please give a round of applause..uhuk-2..Don't asking me why my dinner at 1:00 a.m..hahaha..kami mmg mcm niii..just relax, restoren bukak bhai malam-2 buta ni,siap ad drive thru bg McD lah..ala-2 bistro tempat g 2.. ending about that night..

Next day,we wake up early morning after prays and had a shower we had a great breakfast..Guess what the name of food visible too weird..MEE CALUNG?!,NASI BUJANG?! and etc.. my aunty asking for the roti canai..don't surprise at PAHANG didn't have such a food ..maybe at mamak have a such of that,we eat nasi lemak with telur goyang ..hahaha.actually I also don't know what the look for telur goyang ?! but it is triple delicious k..ala-2 telur setengah masak g2..muahhhh.. then we went to pengantin house.. "bersanding" at 2:00 o'clock so we had a rest at rumah,,they deserve us with food..swear,delicious..

2:00 o'clock..deng..deng.. we get ready and went to pengantin house..hahaha..this also have funny story..when we have a wrong house,.huhu..mereka semua jalan menonong dah lah laju pulax 2 jalan.. hahaha.. kami lalu jalan dapur?! kitchen okay.. p/s sy tebalkan muka ok..
huhu..normal to each of the faults must be right?! xyah nak google sangat lah..means cacat cela majlis 2..uhuk-2.. Okay that it's secret and i don't want to share it..aib 2..okay see you for ALL ABOUT PAHANG part II ok....sorry i'm not give you a lot of picture..a little bit rush right now..see u soon..penat den menulis niii...see u in part II ok..xoxo..assalam..tata..

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


my mom told me , you want go for cheese cake class?! yah,sure.. indeed i like to eat bun and cake. so,early morning i get ready and prepare ,i am so nervous.actually the class only 1 days just teach about ,HOW TO MAKE THE CHEESE CAKE.. a lot of cheese cake she teach me.. and the name visible so weird .. but the taste so good and delicious.. when i arrive to the bakery class i am so surprised because it appears many people who are old. this also shows that knowledge will not be finished in claim and also got 3 young girl + with me. when 10 a.m the chef coming.
i sat between nice aunt . she also went for the 1 st time..

the chef taken out her ingredients and teach us. and then we taste the,so nice.. when 3 and 4 days later i try to make, guess what the cake that i made it so delicious same like the chef do..but the looked not i would learn about decorate it later..
i am worked hard like that picture and see what i am do..tadaaaaaaa..:-) ^^ . apple cheese cake was produced by me.nyum-2..jemput..although the look not nice but ok what..hahaha..when i cutting the this is the APPLE CHEESE CAKE.

actually in depth in my heart "jadi ke tak cheese cake aku ni?! tak pe try jelah kalau simpan je recipe 2 dan tak buat rugi pulax.."okay, see u soon. and you must learn something that you had never done k..